Kelly Higgins: 31-year-old Ohio woman talked into Moderna injection by her doctor, develops blood clots, myocarditis three days later
August 25, 2021

Ms. Kelly Higgins.

GETAWAY, OHIO — A 31-year-old mother, wife and nurse confided in her doctor for medical advice. Now she faces an uncertain future.

Mrs. Kelly Higgins received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on August 10, according to her Facebook page. She had avoided receiving the injections due to healthy skepticism. But she said that resulted in “shaming culture” at her job. She apparently endured “sarcastic memes” and “snarky comments” at work because she was scared to receive “a brand new medication.”

Mrs. Higgins said her doctor answered all questions about the Moderna mRNA injections. That led her to roll up her sleeve and receive the injection. Mrs. Higgins implored people to “research, research, research” and talk to their doctor if they are hesitant.

Two days later, Mrs. Higgins again implored everyone to talk to their doctors because doctors “love and care” about you. She said it was her doctor who “turn[ed] my no into a yes.”

Meanwhile she was suffering from severe adverse effects.

Mrs. Higgins felt heart palpitations and general malaise within six hours after the injection. She went to urgent care the day after the injection and tested negative for COVID-19. She called a “COVID hotline” on August 13 and was advised to go to the emergency room because she also now had chest pains. Doctors said she was suffering from “inflammation,” but no blood clots or heart attack.

Symptoms continue worsening

Seven days after the injection, Mrs. Higgins said she was “miserable.” The only thing helping her chest pains and heart palpitations was medication, she said. Mrs. Higgins also reported body aches, headaches, dry mouth and a fever. Doctors appeared desperate to blame COVID, giving her two more tests since the first one. She said her condition had gotten to the point that she had great difficulty caring for her baby and doing work around the house.

Doctors at King’s Daughter Medical Center diagnosed her with blood clots in her lungs. Mrs. Higgins said she now had to face the possibility of dying and leaving her children without a mother.

Later that evening, Mrs. Higgins said doctors confirmed that she was having a “very exaggerated response to the vaccine.” They also told her the grim truth: that they don’t know a lot about any of what was happening to her (since all of the experimental injections are still in clinical trials). She’s receiving Lovenox injections to help prevent further blood clots.

This day was also her first sign of regret. “If you want to get vaccinated, that’s great. I fully support you.. but the shaming has to stop for those who choose not to,” she said.

Later that day, she again expressed regret, implying that she was shamed into getting something she didn’t want.

Back to work, uncertain future

Mrs. Higgins provided another update on August 19. She was concerned because she’d been in the hospital for days and her kids didn’t understand why. She once again confirmed she was suffering from blood clots and myocarditis, and now added thrombocytopenia (low blood platelets). Mrs. Higgins had CT scans, X-rays, echocardiograms, and, of course, more COVID-19 tests.

Mrs. Higgins reported that she went back to work yesterday for the first time in two weeks. But her August 22 update is a lot to unpack. She implored people to talk to their doctors still, despite her doctor giving her advice that led to myocarditis and blood clots. She also had this to say:

“I don’t ever want anyone to think I am anti-vax, or that I believe COVID isn’t real..or whatever other impression may be floating out there in Facebook land. I never want to advise anyone on whether or not they should get the jab because I think it’s a personal thing and everyone is different.”

Trust doctors at your own risk

NASCAR fans in the United States are accustomed to seeing advertisement decals plastered all over their favorite drivers’ race cars. Doctors should be forced to do the same thing for transparency and to reveal any potential conflicts of interest. Mrs. Higgins trusted the proverbial “white coat gods” and is now facing lifetime heart problems. She was also pressured not only by her employer, but by the Fauci zealots at her workplace. And now she regrets it. It reminded this blogger of the Robin Saunders story.

The Food and Drug Administration lost what little credibility it had left this week after approving the Pfizer BLA and extending the EUA. The Centers for Disease Control has been funded by big pharma since at least 1992. The medical industry is owned by pharmaceutical companies. There is no rational basis for entrusting doctors with your life. These people do not honor Hippocratic Oaths anymore. They are beholden to their stakeholders – Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, etc.

This blogger broke his wrist in 2012. Youtube videos and books provided instructions on how to set and cast it, without a doctor. Perhaps everyone doesn’t need to be this extreme. But the bottom line is that doctors are not here to help you, particularly in the United States. Medicine is a for-profit industry with stakeholders that want returns on their investments.

Mrs. Higgins succumbed to pressure. It’s up to you to stand your ground. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Just wow!
Where did she research, exactly?
As a nurse, you know what should have felt weird to you?
NO discussions about acquired immunity!

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

It must be very unfortunate for her kids to have a mother this stupid. But then again, she is not far from the norm.

Has anybody noticed in her writings, another vaxx casuality trying to hide her weak mind and stupidity, under the BS blanket of “I want to save the world…”.

They all have a hero complex in their self-deluded mind, a manifestation of being desperate for approval and acceptance. She needs to work on healing the child within, like 99% of the

One who hasn’t taken the time and spent the energy to build one’s inner castle, is just like a grain of sand at the mercy of the ever shifting winds. Most people are highly dysfunctional while being highly unaware of it. They are just like a collection of mirrors reflecting what everyone else expects of them (Rollo May).

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I love your comments. What we need is LESS arrogant people worried about “saving the world” and more worried about their own designated niche in the world. These idiots evidently never heard the saying “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”…….and “saving the world” is one of those good intentions. People were so much more intelligent a few centuries ago.

2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

“People were so much more intelligent a few centuries ago.” Now you’ve nailed it. They really were far more intelligent back then. I’ve often thought to myself over the years that it’s very telling how we don’t see geniuses on the level of people like Mozart, Nikola Tesla, Michelangelo, Marie Curie, The Bronte sisters, etc. anymore.

It’s obvious that most of humankind has been dumbed down considerably — by an ever-deteriorating education (indoctrination!) system, various aspects of culture and, most crucially of all, by the multitude of toxic vaccines that people are injected with before they’ve even reached 5 years old. The latter assault has accelerated significantly since approx. 1990, and has worsened even further during the past 15 years; so, the most recent generations really do face an uphill battle in trying to reach their highest potential. Of course, the prior generations also had to contend with this, albeit to a lesser degree.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zeke

One thing I read somewhere that doctors intentionally do to mothers who have just given birth is immediately cut the umbilical cord instead of letting the baby and mother bond with cord still attached. This reduces the IQ by not allowing some of those stem cells back into the baby’s brain. Some women are wising up and having their children at home. On another topic……a birth certificate-free child not born in a hospital is a free child. Ask any corrupt judge that plops their backside on the bench.

Last edited 2 years ago by Liz
Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

Thank you for your kind words Miss Liz. At least there is someone who doesn’t hate me too much !.

Tom Lowe
Tom Lowe
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Your post nailed it, dude. I know lots of people who are just like Higgins, starting with Mom, my sister in law, my gf, my local acquaintances, etc. etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I for one get frustrated and angry with these people. If more of the population had been a hell of a lot more skeptical of these shots from the beginning, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Think about it, Trump promoted Operation Corpse Speed, and the other side said “NO WAY” we are ever taking a Trump shot. THEN THEY DID! Critical thinking done gone out da’ window.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

You’re welcome. I haven’t heard the name Rollo May for a long time. I don’t agree with his professional calling, but at least there are some people who are not afraid to pick up a book and read it once in a while.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

FAcebooking is CIA pilled NSA injected Psychic Poison-

Here is PRIME example::August 2021-

Self delusional to an early grave cult victim martyrdom-

Ungodly snatching of the human soul summed in one post…

Gratitude and freedom of speech-


2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I have never read the current situation described with so much insight. Thanks. It truly baffles me that so many people care more about public acceptance, than they care about continuing to live.

Also, thanks to this blogger for sharing that he set his own broken wrist. When I broke my wrist 33 years ago, I didn’t have a doctor, so I called around to find the best price. After getting a quote of $200. I was informed after-the-fact there was an extra $300. charge for the injection to numb my arm. I called them out on a bait-and-switch scam. I never went back. I cut off my own cast, and I never paid the 300 bucks. Have not had any medical care since. I treat myself with natural aids, and I have survived serious illnesses. All the Global Elite’s threats are like water off a duck’s back to me. I don’t use health care, go to public entertainments, gyms, or restaurants. They can’t punish those who refuse to play their game.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

I save myself. I am not here to “save the world” . I leave that to WHO, country leaders and that big group of scientists….and I can see how “successful” they are.

I save myself. I am not vaccinating.

2 years ago

So naive and, still, the worst thing in the world is to be…anti vax?? She just wants to be liked. Good luck on future health. The damage is done.

2 years ago

She is right when she says that people should not “shame” others for their determinations in their personal lives.

She is wrong in succumbing to that “shaming” and getting the needle.

Most Americans are herd animals; females in particular but also most modern males nowadays.

The opinions of others can be absolutely devastating to them because they all lack self-confidence and self-respect.

Being seen in a favorable light by others always trumps doing what is right or what is best.

In fairness, it took me until I was 40 years old (14 years ago) before I began to emerge from that very same nonsensical and absurd approach to life.

Now I think for Myself and choose for Myself and could care less what others think; but as recently as 2007 I was not that different from the victim in this above story.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

It’s easier for some personalities than others. I’ve always been very skeptical—an outlier in society, just don’t fit in with the extroverts, hate small talk, easily bored, read way too much. Hard to fit in when you always want to be alone. That’s been a good thing in many ways but every trait, as every writer knows, has it’s good and bad effects. In the case of this gal, she is trying to stay in-between and that’s a stressful spot to be; it clouds your most important decisions. Today, many people seek shallow “feedback” from social media when they should be out alone, listening to their gut in the absence of all technology (in this case, once you’ve done deep research on the shots). You can’t hear your own truth in roomful of people, only where there is a long, uncomfortable quiet.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Well said. Resonates with me. However, I am a paradox. I worked in global construction projects, worked in the largest Oil company, had to interact with thousands.

However, inwardly I am a loner, one who enjoys solitude. I retreat into my calm innerself when not in the company of others. I avoid social settings unless unavoidable.

I am a Thinker, a true Thinker, not one who is superficial and claims to be a Thinker. The real Thinker is a loner, who thinks alone. From the deep recesses of my innerself comes the wisdom.

In Covid, they demolish your inner sanctuary with incessant bombardment of propaganda. It is very difficult for most people and so they succumb. But for those who are real Thinkers, they see through the fog and can hold up against the tide.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I see allot of positive comments here, but none more so than your recognition of the deep morass that just about all of has has to climb and claw and struggle and suffer to drag ourselves out of (thanks to public factory schooling and that Damned Box!)

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Better late than never. I have always considered myself the best authority. However, I have learned to pick my battles. One does not want to waste energy on something of no importance.

In 7th grade the teacher announced we were to prick our fingers to test our blood for a science project. I thought it was stupid to hurt myself just because a teacher told me to do it, so I refused. The teacher was enraged. Probably no student had ever said no to him before. He got his revenge on me a year later, when I was no longer in his class. He meddled in my life and got me switched from the 8th grade homeroom I liked, to one I hated. When I said “you can’t do this, you’re not my teacher”, he replied that I needed to learn that in life, people in power do stuff all the time that ” they can’t do”. That was the only thing he was correct about. I just searched the guy, and I see that he died in April 2020. One of the joys of getting older is reading the obit of a former teacher. I have been saying no to people since I was knee high to a grasshopper. All that practice has served me well these last 18 months.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Kris, you are blessed.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

James 4:4, King James Version
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

2 years ago

“I don’t ever want anyone to think I am anti-vax,”

I’m so absolutely sick of hearing that tripe. People have more faith in vaccines than they do Jesus. Faith in vaccines is unfounded. Read Dissolving Illusions, which is available free to read on the website by the same name. Look at the graphs based on historical death records kept by various governments. Vaccines cam along after deaths were already down due to all manner of improvements in living and public health. It was 1,001 other things that lowered deaths. Vaccines did nothing but spike the deaths briefly, but vaccines got the credit for the declines.

The medical system is brainwashed. Its adherents are, too. When will people realize that doctors are no longer to be trusted, by and large, except for a few? When will people realize that doctors and the hospital clinic systems THAT OWN THEM are no longer practicing medicine, but pushing sorcerers in the Biblical sense of the root word?

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  george

There’s a reason it’s called “practicing” medicine.

2 years ago

The vax is the killer.

2 years ago

I have lost my confidence in the mainstream medicine. Most doctors are just subcontractors for the pharmaceutical.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Proverbs 22:7
“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender.”
Doctors start as borrowers and then often become rich. So they start as slaves to then become rulers…

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

For trauma conditions western medicine is awesome : stab wounds, fixing broken bones, acute renal failure, separating fused twins…etc.

When it comes to chronic conditions where the doctor’s first impulse is to reach out for his prescription pad or advise big pharma sanctioned chemotherapy, then one is better taking care of oneself at home (gerson therapy, diet, supplements…etc).

2 years ago

The Doctors are compromised. They are preserving themselves and their careers and will without hesitation hang you out to dry. Most of them are money-hungry sociopaths these days, and they are not at all objective or independent anymore. They simply tell you to do what the “best practice” algorithm tells them to say.

2 years ago

The Covid-vaccine is definitely there to harm people. We could call it the ‘post peak oil demise vaccine’ because the robust terminal decline of global conventional oil production has started and the fiat money banking scam cannot continue to operate in the near future without huge inflation, google for ‘Net Energy Cliff Will Lead to Collapse of Civilization’. Thus the grave problem of global terminal oil depletion has been converted into a global health problem by the ruling elite. The expression ‘Covid-19’ is very likely an evil spell, comprising of the Latin word ‘ovis’ (sheep) and the Hebrew number association for 19=’ibchah’ (slaughter).

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago
Reply to  Bernd

Interesting translation. Gematria is big among the elites.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernd

I have read that oil is very plentiful and that continents are practically floating on oil – that the claim that oil will run out is false, that the real reason is to remove inexpensive energy sources and power from the people so they have to pay more for the inefficient so-called green energy sources, which actually cause more damage and pollute the earth themselves.

2 years ago

Research she says? I say she did nothing but succumb to peer pressure. She took three Covid test? How do healthcare workers believe there really is a virus (never been isolated) or that the bogus PCR test actually works? I’m baffled. If regular everyday people can find out this information, how is it that the medical community is this dense? There are thousands of nurses resigning all across the country, because they do not agree with the mandates or have indisputable evidence/knowledge that this whole pandemic is a hoax. How did this escape her “research”?
I pray she gets more comfortable, but she will get better. The medical community is dead. Please people do not trust your doctors, nurses, schools, employers, politicians, etc.-anyone who is pushing these jabs.
We are at war, stand your ground, pray to God, fight for your freedoms and NEVER CONSENT!! Thank you to this blog for giving us an outlet to voice our thoughts, concerns and support.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

The image of doctors and nurses doing choreographed dance routines during the initial “wave” sticks in my craw. This all feels like that episode of the Twilight Zone where the woman with the normal face was ostricized by those with warped features.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

You never know if people are being truthful or are crisis actors. You’ve also got the “controlled opposition” which are those that deceive and mislead people that they are on their side of the issue/s, but are really not.
Much of what is the news, particularly the pushed and hyped “news” is theater.

2 years ago

Indeed…we are at war. Anyone participating in promoting the kill shot…even if it is just to push a relative to get it…is working for the the powers of darkness, and I think every one of them will pay the ultimate price. No more Mr. Nice Guy approach to people who are for genocide. Without so many people rolling over a year ago, we would not be where we are today. A clear line has been drawn in the sand. One is either on the side of Good or Evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Ah, the other poision that is liberalism strikes again. Shamed into it huh? Gave in to peer pressure from idiots? What you should have done is give those people a tongue lashing they would never forget and then sit back and wait to be rid of them as they race eachother to the slaughter house. See were the “follow the crowd”, “do what everyone else does”, mentality leads you? This is the end result of not being your own individual who thinks for herself and allows the, what i call “idiot culture” influence you. This is why i hate my generation, so dumbed down and brainwashed it boggles the mind & also why I’m intolerant of liberals and the rest of their ilk who support any of the evil things or agendas currently plaguing our planet.

2 years ago

Find a naturopathic doctor or a doctor of functional medicine. They will be able to help! America is the sickest country on the planet by design! We spend twice as much as any other country! No one is asking “WHY!” I spent 18 yrs in bed under the care of many doctors and psychiatrist. I was given a yr to live in’96. I saved my life by walking away from mainstream medicine and taking charge of my life! I studied Natural Medicine and learned all disease can be explained. All disease can be successfully treated and most can be cured without drugs. I learned how evil, vile, corrupt, greedy and incompetent mainstream medicine is and they’re going to keep it that way! They don’t care about you and I! It’s about the “money.” 

2 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Right around that same time period of 1996 I had seen a bunch of different doctors who had prescribed a bunch of different medications. To this day I still suffer from the side effects of those “medications” which is why I no longer trust the mainstream doctors. I seek holistic, naturopathic, herbalists, homeopaths, etc. for any health questions or issues. It’s amazing what a clean healthy diet can do as well.

Buzz Saw
Buzz Saw
2 years ago

What I’ve learned from all this is NEVER blindly trust your doctor for any advice on any issue. Period!!! It’s ok to ask them, but double, triple, quadruple verify their advice by doing your own research. I have made some catastrophic health mistakes years ago by blindly listening to doctors. Some are ok, many are incompetent and don’t keep up on latest treatments. Beware!!!

2 years ago

Man they really wanted to pin this on Covid. LOL.

2 years ago

After coming down with severe reaction, “She went to urgent care the day after the injection and tested negative for COVID-19.” Right! The symptoms she experienced are the vax itself, not any virus.

2 years ago

So… when is she going to get the second shot?

You know, God forbbids someone thinks she is anti-vaxxer.

2 years ago

If you read her last post, she hasn’t learned a thing. She appears to feel better, which is good, but after her whole ordeal, she still advises people to consult with a physician and repeats the part about, “it’s a personal decision” and even says, “I just want our nation to heal and this horrible virus to go away.” Excuse me? “Horrible virus”? After her whole story, she still thinks this virus is the problem?

God help us. With people this dense and sorry to say, dumb as bricks, I don’t see a way forward.

2 years ago

I’ll listen to a doctor, a conservative doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  BKMart

There are conservative Doctors who say get the vaccine. Many of them are on Fox News.

2 years ago

What is the full name of this “Dr. Ford” she mentions several times when she first got the Moderna shot?
She doesn’t say if Dr. Ford warned her that what happened to her might happen. She doesn’t mention him by name when her symptoms get serious and when she is in the hospital. Did he abandon her or see her in the hospital?

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